Category: Uncategorized
Data collections
In the initial phase of the SPACIOUS project, we collected a number of data which you can find here or by contacting us. Données SPACIOUS récoltés/Data SPACIOUS collected Analyse textuelle/Text analysis Cartes mentales/Mental Maps Terrain/Fieldwork – creating a network Calendar Photos
Liens du plateau
Paris Saclay public development corporationMain website of the Paris Saclay public development corporation (etablissement public d’amenagement) Paris-Saclay Version BêtaThe Transitional Urbanism office is running campaigns, consultations and other events in and about Paris Saclay
Hello world, this is SPACIOUS!
We were funded! Our proposal to research how we can better interface ‘user-centred’ design and science methods with participation and co-design methods, or simply Project Spacious, was funded by the Region Île de France and the Chaires SHS (sciences humaines et sociales). The project essentially weaves our joint expertise: a) on the study of human…